Become part of a vibrant community dedicated to the preservation, interpretation, and innovation of historic house museums worldwide. Learn how to join or update your membership information here. Whether you’re new or looking to update your details, discover how you can engage with a diverse network of professionals committed to enhancing the role of historic homes in cultural heritage.
How to become a DEMHIST member
If you wish to become a DEMHIST member, choosing DEMHIST as your primary international committee, there are 3 ways to accomplish this:
- If You are not yet an ICOM member
ICOM has two types of committees: National Committees (by country) and International Committees (by specialty). First, you must join your ICOM National Committee (e.g. ICOM Portugal, ICOM US), you can then select DEMHIST as your main International Committee.
You can find your national committee here :
ICOM Website – Committees Directory
- If you are an ICOM member but your main International Committee is not DEMHIST
Change your main International Committee using your personal access to IRIS database.
Alternatively, or in case of any trouble accessing IRIS, send the following message to the ICOM Membership service via :
I am an ICOM member (membership number:…) and wish to become a voting member of DEMHIST. Please register me with DEMHIST / change my voting choice to DEMHIST.
Strike out as appropriate, and add your name and ICOM number. Do not forget to copy the DEMHIST Secretary -
You can also choose DEMHIST as your second or third international committee, but you won’t have voting rights and will not receive our regular newsletter. You can always keep in touch with us through our website and social media!
How to change your data as a DEMHIST member
If you are an individual member, please make sure to maintain you data (email contact, institution, etc.) up to date.
If you are an Institutional member, please make sure to maintain the person of contact (usually the director) up to date, and the representative’s information as well. Each Institutional member can have up to 3 representatives in International Committees.
To update your data please use your access to IRIS database.
Alternatively, or in case of any trouble accessing IRIS, please write , you can carbon copy DEMHIST Secretary
Communications trouble?
If you are a DEMHIST member and you are not receiving our emails, please check your spam folder. You can contact Secretary any time regarding this. If you don’t want to receive our communications via email, you can unsubscribe and keep informed via our Webpage (News) and/or social media.