Bylaws, Strategic Plan, Logo


Name, aims, membership, meetings, management, and finances of DEMHIST are defined and established by the bylaws.
The bylaws of DEMHIST were adopted at the plenary meeting held in Peterhof/Russia in 1999. To adapt them to the new ICOM statutes and rules, they were amended by the General Assembly in Los Angeles 2012 and again in an online Extraordinary General Assembly in 2023.



Strategic Plan

The current DEMHIST strategic plan is based on:

  • Organising an annual conference and publishing abstracts of the papers
  • Encouraging existing and new national working groups
  • Supporting events on subjects of interest to DEMHIST
  • Training for young and new professionals
  • Strengthening DEMHIST social media platforms
  • Strengthening membership communication and engagement

Strategic Plan



The DEMHIST logo is not available for free download on this website.

The DEMHIST logo represents the identity of this international committee and is intellectual property owned by ICOM. Because using the logo can imply endorsement by DEMHIST, its use is carefully controlled.

Obtaining the DEMHIST logo requires permission on demand and by concession of the committee. Please contact the DEMHIST Secretary at for further information.


Rules for using the DEMHIST logo :

  • The use of the DEMHIST logo might be authorised on demand only and by concession of the committee. Please contact the DEMHIST Secretary at  
  • The logo proportions should not be distorted. The colours and text cannot be changed or edited. The image cannot be pixelated. Please, read the ICOM Graphic Chart ;
  • Permission to use the DEMHIST logo does not include permission to use ICOM’s. Please contact ICOM at