
Conference Proceedings


“Remembrances of Things Lost”

Belgrade Conference 2024 proceedings



“Historic House Museums for a Sustainable World: Challenges and Opportunities”

Online Conference 2021 proceedings




“Decorative Arts and Interiors”

Baku Conference 2018 proceedings




“Building Relevance in Museum and Heritage Sites”

London Conference 2017 proceedings




“House Museums and the interpretation of the cultural, social, urban landscape”

Milan Conference 2016 proceedings




“Authenticity in Conservation in Historic Houses”

Compiègne Conference 2014 proceedings




“Places for reflection: museum as connectors of cultures, times, people and social groups”

Rio de Janeiro Conference 2013 proceedings




“The Artifact, its Context and their Narrative. Multidisciplinary Conservation in Historic House Museums”

Los Angeles Conference 2012 proceedings



“Catching the spirit : Theatrical Assets of Historic Houses and their Approaches in Reinventing the Past”

Antwerp Conference 2011 proceedings

Ed. by Werner van Hoof ; organising committee Iris Kockelbergh, Jan Robert, Luc Vanackere, Werner van Hoof ; ICOM International Committee for Historic House Museums (DEMHIST). – Antwerp : Museum Plantin-Moretus, 2012. – 112 p., ill. (English).

The 12th DEMHIST conference focused on three main topics: 1. Authenticity and Reinvention – an Intriguing Antagonism?, 2. Theatres of History. The Museum as a Stage, 3. Reinventing the Past. Intangible Aspects.


Historic House Museums as Witnesses of National and Local Identities: Acts of the 3rd Annual DEMHIST Conference, Amsterdam, 14-16 October 2002 .

Ed. by Rosanna Pavoni ; translated into English by Starleen K. Meyer ; ICOM International Committee for Historic House Museums (DEMHIST). Amsterdam: ICN- Instituut Collectie Nederland [for] DEMHIST, 2003. 176 p., ill. ISBN 90-72905-49-0. (English)

The volume brings together the opening lectures and contributions presented during the third annual meeting of DEMHIST, held in Amsterdam in 2002, as well as the results of the workshops organised during that meeting. The theme of the conference underlined the potential of historic house museums as bearers of local and national identity and history. The meeting gave the participants the opportunity to present and discuss house museums in a broad international perspective, and to compare the situation with the Dutch one.

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New Forms of Management for Historic House Museums? Acts of the 2nd Annual DEMHIST Conference, Barcelona July 2001.

Rosanna Pavoni, ed. Milan: translated into English by Starleen K. Meyer; DEMHIST, 2002: 11 black-and-white illustrations, 115 p.

The volume also contains contributions from joint sessions held during the conference with ICDAD (Relationships Between Authentic Interiors and Assembled Objects) and ICAMT/ICMS (Security, Old Buildings, New Buildings, and the Architects).

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Historic House Museums Speak to the Public: Spectacular Exhibits vs. a Philological Interpretation of History : Acts of the International Conference of DEMHIST ICOM’s International Committee for Historic Houses Genova, 1-4 November, 2000

Rosanna Pavoni , editor. Bergamo : translated into English by Starleen K. Meyer ; Demhist, 2001. 96 p. ill.

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Other publications


Anais dos encontros brasileiros de palácios, museus-casas e casas históricas





Le cucine nelle case museo / Kitchens in House-Museums

This publication is a contribution to reflect on the material culture of everyday life, and in particular on the primary role that the “kitchen space” plays in shaping the concepts of family, gender roles, social and economic status markers, as well as the technological and cultural transformations that have marked the transition to contemporary societies. La presente pubblicazione intende essere un contributo pensato per fare riflettere sulla cultura materiale della quotidianità, e in particolare sul ruolo primario che lo “spazio cucina” riveste nel plasmare i concetti di famiglia, i ruoli di genere, i marcatori di status sociale ed economico, come pure le trasformazioni tecnologiche e culturali che hanno segnato il passaggio verso le società contemporanee.



10 anos de reflexão sobre Casas-Museu em Portugal

“10 anos de reflexão sobre Casas-museu em Portugal” reúne 7 textos de sete autores, que tentam sintetizar 9 encontros de reflexão e debate sob o tema Casas-museu, realizados em Portugal desde 2010 sob a égide do ICOM – International Council of Museums – Portugal e o DEMHIST – International committee for historic house museums. Decorridos em 9 espaços de referência do atual panorama museológico português, estes encontros constituíram uma oportunidade privilegiada de reunir profissionais das mais variadas especialidades dentro do universo museológico, não só português, mas igualmente internacional. Indo para além do clássico formato de atas, tenta no seu conjunto trazer reflexões atuais sobre o tema, diversificando abordagens, experiências e perspetivas. “10 years of reflection on Museum Houses in Portugal” brings together 7 texts of seven authors, who try to synthesize 9 reflection and debate meetings under the theme Casas-museu, held in Portugal since 2010 under the aegis of ICOM – International Council of Museums – Portugal and DEMHIST – International committee for historic house museums. These meetings were held in nine reference spaces of the current Portuguese museological panorama, and were a privileged opportunity to bring together professionals from the most varied specialties within the museological universe. only Portuguese, but also international. Going beyond the classic format of minutes, tries as a whole to bring current reflections on the subject, diversifying approaches, experiences and perspectives.



L’Igiene e le sale da bagno nelle case museo / Hygiene and Bathrooms in House Museums

A video about this topic made by ICOM Italy DEMHIST group is available online



House Museums in Italy. New cultural itineraries: poetry, history, art, architecture, music, arts & crafts, tastes and traditions.

Rosanna Pavoni, Rome: Gangemi Editore 2009. – 160 p. – ISBN: 978-88-492-1799-5

A journey across the country to discover the simple houses and splendid royal palaces. Houses selected not only for their beauty or the fame and importance of their inhabitants, but because they tell a story – always different, always captivating. The house museums are divided into categories: Personality Houses, Collector’s Houses, Houses of Beauty, Houses representative of Historic Events, Local Society Houses, Ancestral Homes, Royal Palaces and Power Houses, Clergy Houses, Vernacular Houses.

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