ICOM International Committee for Historic House Museums

All news

March 18, 2024

Webinar “On the Road to Tbilisi” Call for papers, Conference

The preparatory webinar for our annual conference House Museums at the Crossroads: How Do We Empower Social Change? Will be held on April 3 at 13.00 Paris time. The webinar will be an opportunity to learn more about all the conference and Tbilisi has to offer: the theme and sub-themes, the programme, and the off-site visits. This year’s conference is a collaboration between DEMHIST, MPR, the Tbilisi Museum Union and ICOM Georgia, and during the webinar we will hear from all the partners, expanding on their contribution to the event. There will be enough time following the webinar to submit proposals to present at the conference.

The conference Website with the full theme and call for papers is
You can register for this webinar in this registration form.
